TechGYRLS builds girls self-esteem and helps them envision future careers in a technology related field. The TechGYRLS programs broadens girls’ knowledge and interests in technology, developing the confidence to use computer tools in whatever profession they pursue, applying critical thinking skills and discovering links between enjoyable technology projects and academic subjects such as science and math. TechGYRLS incorporates the YWCA mission of creating opportunities for women’s growth and leadership.
YWCA TechGYRLS is a free, after school, computer club for girls offered at the YWCA’s across the country, including the YWCA of the Sauk Valley. This program is for girls in 4th grade and helps them develop skills in the areas of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math).
This program is vital, exciting, and growing with the number of participants each year. TechGYRLS empowers girls through exploration of computer programming and technology so that they are confident to pursue education and opportunities that offer economic independence.
How you can transform tomorrow
Be a speaker or presenter for our program
Host a TechGYRLS field trip at your business or organization
Make a monetary donation to YWCA TechGYRLS program
If you would like further information or to help, please contact us at 815.625.03333
Girls’ Space
For more information, contact YWCA at 815.625.0333
Girls’ Space provides an environment for 5th grade girls to develop leadership, interpersonal skills, life skills, plan for futures, and work to achieve their potential in life.